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A Moment for Truth
JEHOVAH is our refuge and strength, a
By Dave Hunt
America awakened September 11 to appalling
scenes on TV of passenger planes deliberately crashing into the towers
of the World Trade Center and into the Pentagon. Stunned disbelief gave
way to the question, who could so carefully plan and efficiently execute
such incredibly inhumane destruction and slaughter? What cause could so
powerfully motivate educated and trained individuals to sacrifice their
own lives and the lives of so many total strangers in this manner? In
the minds of civilized people these men were unbelievable fanatics. But
were they?
Could one call the spiritual leader of an
entire major country a "fanatic," a man universally recognized as
properly representing his religion? Who would know his religion better
than the spiritual leader himself? Such was Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini
when he declared, "The purest joy in Islam is to kill and be killed for
Allah" (David Lamb, The Arabs: Journey Beyond the Mirage, Vintage
Books, 1988, p. 287; David Reed, The Unholy War Between Iran and Iraq,
Readers Digest, August 1984, p. 389). Is that fanaticism?
And could you call the founder of a major world
religion a fanatic? Muhammad, who with his followers slaughtered
thousands in establishing and spreading Islam, said of Muslims, "Who
relinquishes his faith, kill him....(quoted on authority of Ibn 'Abbas
in Sahih of al-Bukhari, part 9, 19. Attested by numerous Islamic
scholars) I have been ordered by Allah to fight with people till they
testify there is no god but Allah and Mohammed is his messenger" (op.
cit., part 1, 13). Was Muhammad a fanatic? Are they fanatics who
obey him today in exacting the death penalty upon Muslims (as in
Afghanistan, the Arab Emirates, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Sudan) who
for the sake of conscience convert to another religion?
Do we need a new definition of "fanatic"?
There is a certain hypocrisy in the new outrage
with which America and the world now view terrorism. History's
bloodiest, most vicious and successful terrorist, Yasser Arafat, has
been given the Nobel Peace Prize and embraced as a world statesman. He
is proof to would-be imitators that terrorism pays big. The United
Nations, European Union, and countless world political and religious
leaders have sided with him in his terrorism against Israel. Arafat and
his PLO held the record for the largest hijacking (four aircraft in a
single operation) -- which has just been equaled, the greatest number of
hostages held at one time (300), the greatest number of people shot down
at an airport, the largest ransom collected ($5 million paid by
Lufthansa), the greatest variety of targets (40 civilian passenger
aircraft, five passenger ships, 30 embassies or diplomatic ministries
plus innumerable fuel depots and factories), etc. (John Laffin, The
PLO Connections, Transworld, 1982, p. 18). Instead of being tried by
an international tribunal as were the Nazi and Serbian leadership,
Arafat's bloody exploits gained for him acceptance as a leader for
In his brief speech to the nation the morning
of the 12th, President Bush declared that the attacks on New York and
Washington, D.C. were "acts of war." Indeed, they were -- jihad ("holy
war"). He said that "freedom and democracy are under attack [but] we
will not allow this enemy to win the war by...restricting our freedoms."
Is it a mere coincidence that the freedom of speech, religion, the
press, and of vote and conscience which we hold so dear in America are
suppressed in every Muslim country?
Who dares to make the obvious connection
between this declaration of war against America, and the declaration of
war against the entire world by Muhammad in the seventh century, a part
of Islam ever since? Since its inception, jihad has been waged by
Islamic warriors to spread that religion of violence and hatred. Islam
does not change. Rioting Muslim mobs invariably chant in their
"fanaticism," "Allah is great! Allah is great!"
In the wake of this terrible act of "holy war,"
our President and Congressional leaders referred to God numerous times
and invoked His blessing in tracking down the perpetrators of this
infamous deed. The God of the Bible to whom they referred is not Allah,
the god of Islam, whom the attacking terrorists served so faithfully!
We may be certain that the hijackers were not
Israelis or evangelical Christians. Never! The simple but horrible fact
is that only the religion of Islam could supply the motivation for what
they did. Why are Muslims responsible for most terrorism in the world
today? There is a definitive and foundational reason.
It would be extremely naive to imagine that
terrorists who are willing to blow themselves up in Israel or to crash a
plane at the loss of their own and many other lives do so for some
commendable humanitarian cause. The courage comes solely from a unique
doctrine of Islam. Abu-Bakr, the first Caliph to succeed Muhammad (and
one of the few to whom Muhammad promised Paradise without martyrdom),
declared that even if he had one foot in Paradise he could not trust
Allah to let him in. The only sure way in Islam of achieving Paradise is
to sacrifice one's life in jihad. Yes, suicide is forbidden as
self-murder. But to sacrifice one's life in killing infidels carries the
highest reward.
And what reward does Paradise bring to the
jihad martyr? He is promised a palace of pearls in which are 70
mansions; inside each mansion are 70 houses and in each house a bed on
which are 70 sheets and on each sheet a beautiful virgin. He is assured
that he will have the appetite and strength of 100 men for food and sex.
This is the fantastic dream that is fed to Muslim boys from earliest
childhood. This motivation alone gives the reckless courage and
determination to train and execute terrorist deeds in which they
sacrifice their lives in bringing death and destruction to "the enemies
of Allah."
America has been called "the Great Satan" by
Muslim leaders around the world. Thus the strike at America was a strike
for Allah against his chief enemy. Palestinians danced in the streets to
celebrate the destruction in America, shouting victory to Allah. The day
before the attack CNN showed routine footage of third-grade children in
a West Bank school chanting death to Israel. Only indoctrination into
Islam makes possible such incredible scenes and the terrorism they
Though people of good will naturally recoil
from attaching blame to a major world religion itself, we can no longer
afford such sentimentality. No longer dare we allow Islam to escape its
undeniable responsibility. Yet former President Bush called Islam a
peace-loving religion.
The devastating acts of war by Islamic
terrorists against the United States were greeted by naive statements
from well-intentioned governmental leaders to the effect that we must
distinguish between terrorism perpetrated by extremist groups and Islam
itself which is peaceful. Yet there are more than 100 verses in the
Qur'an advocating the use of violence to spread Islam. In the
Qur'an, Allah commands Muslims, "Take not the Jews and Christians as
friends....Slay the idolaters [non-Muslims] wherever ye find
them....Fight against such...as believe not in Allah..." (Surah 5:51;
9:5, 29, 41, etc.). Though most Muslims would shrink from obeying such
commands, this is official Islam and it cannot change without admitting
that Muhammad was a false prophet and murderer.
Several years ago Steven Emerson produced for
PBS an excellent video titled Jihad in America. Its cameras went
directly inside cell groups associated with mosques here in America
where eager young Muslims were being recruited for jihad against the
United States. Muslim leaders are shown giving speeches about bringing
America to its knees through terrorism and making cold-blooded
statements such as the following from Fayiz Azzam in Brooklyn in 1989:
"Blood must flow, there must be widows, orphans, hands and limbs must be
severed and limbs and blood must be spread everywhere in order that
Allah's religion stand on its feet!" Yes, Allah's religion is the
In Kansas, in 1988, another leader recruiting
Islamic holy warriors against the United States exults, "O, brothers!
After Afghanistan [where Muslim "freedom fighters," aided by the CIA,
drove out the Soviets and installed the brutal Taliban regime] nothing
in the world is impossible for us any more! There are no superpowers or
minipowers. What matters is will power that springs from our religious
belief!" Yes, religious belief, the particular belief of Islam, is the
only motivation capable of inspiring such "fanaticism."
At the beginning of the video, Emerson, who had
tracked international terrorism for the prior ten years, reported on
what he called "networks of Islamic extremists" inside the US. He
accurately warned that "for these militants jihad is a holy war, an
armed struggle to defeat nonbelievers, or infidels, and their ultimate
goal is to establish an Islamic [worldwide] empire." Yet he later
backpedaled into the incredible statement that "Islam as a religion does
not condone violence; the radicals represent only themselves -- an
extremist and violent fringe...." THAT IS SIMPLY NOT TRUE. It is not
because men are Arabs or extremists that they turn to terrorism, but
BECAUSE THEY ARE DEVOUT MUSLIMS. Yet who will face this obvious fact?
Hatred of Israel and the call to destroy
America for supporting her are also underlying themes of the terrorists
seen in the documentary. Another Muslim leader in the US declares that
Washington's Capitol Hill is "Zionist-occupied territory," that the Jews
control Congress, and that the United States deserves what it gets so
long as it continues to support Israel.
Referring repeatedly to "Islamic holy
warriors," the video documented as clearly as could be done that Islam
is the driving force behind terrorism. Astonishingly, however, the
narrator and counter-terrorism experts being interviewed repeatedly
declared that Islam was not to be blamed but only the "fanaticism" of
certain individuals. For example, Paul Bremer, former
Ambassador-at-Large for counter-terrorism for the State Department, said
it is "important to make a distinction...the vast majority of Muslims
and Arabs are peace loving."
It is true that the vast majority of Muslims
are peace loving and would protest that they oppose terrorism. Our
sympathy is with them. However, should they not ask themselves why they
follow a religion founded upon violence which from its very inception
has been spread with the sword? Under Muhammad's leadership in the
seventh century, thousands of Arabs (and many Jews and Christians) in
the Arabian Peninsula were killed by Islam's fierce "holy warriors" to
force that religion upon the Arab world. Upon Muhammad's death, most
Arabians abandoned Islam, imagining that they were free at last.
Swiftly, tens of thousands of Arabs were slaughtered in the Wars of
Apostasy, which forced Arabia back under Allah. From that base Islam was
spread everywhere with the sword.
On radio and TV, during that black Tuesday in
September which we can never forget, we were repeatedly told by
well-intentioned government officials that we must be careful not to
blame Islam for what a few fanatics had done. In fact, terrorists act in
direct obedience to Muhammad, the Qur'an, Allah and Islam. While
nominal Muslims reject the idea, all Islamic scholars agree that it is
the religious duty of every Muslim to use violence whenever possible to
spread Islam until it has taken over the world.
We need to face some simple questions: Is not
the attempt to force them into Islam the cause of the cruel enslavement,
torture and slaughter of millions in southern Sudan? Is not Islam the
driving force behind the murderous and destructive riots against
Christians in Nigeria, Indonesia, Pakistan and elsewhere? Is it not the
enforcement of Islamic law that makes the Taliban deny all civil rights
to those under its control in Afghanistan?
And what is it but Islam that unites the
otherwise divided Arab world in an implacable and unreasoning hatred
against Israel? No Arab map in the world admits Israel's existence. It
is only Islam's claim that Ishmael, not Isaac, was the son of promise
and that the Holy Land belongs to them which unites Arabs in the
"fanatical" determination to destroy the Jews.
There is a natural reluctance to accept any
statement which seems to be a prejudiced attack upon a world religion.
THE TRUTH. But is it prejudice to state the plain facts? No, it is not
-- but it is difficult to face the truth that Islam itself is a religion
of violence and that those who practice it are not extremists and
fanatics in the ordinary sense of those words, but SINCERE FOLLOWERS OF
The world has sided with Islam in its false
claim to the land of Israel, which is now inaccurately called Palestine.
This Promised Land, given to Israel by the God of the Bible, has been
occupied by Jews continuously for the last 3,000 years, and they are the
only people to have done so. In recognition of that undeniable historic
fact, all of "Palestine" was to be given to the Jews for a national
homeland by a 1917 ruling of the League of Nations. But steadily the
Jews were betrayed by Britain's administration of this mandate (and the
demise of the British Empire can be dated from that betrayal); the land
was parceled out to Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, etc. Israel is now accused
of "occupying" land which actually has been theirs for 3,000 years. The
come-lately "Palestinians" are sustained by the world in the lie that
they are the original owners of this land. As a result, terrorism is
perpetrated not only against Israel but now in this latest act against
the United States to apply pressure to force Israel out of its rightful
land and to spread Islam around the world.
We have arrived at a defining moment when TRUTH
could triumph if the world would recognize that terrorists are not
THEIR RELIGION. This recognition could bring fresh sympathy for Muslims
of all nationalities who are tragically trapped in that system. The
expose of the truth could embarrass Muslim nations into opening the
Islamic Curtain and allowing freedom to enter their borders. It could be
a new day of open evangelism for the world where not force but love and
reason permit each person to determine the faith he would embrace from
his heart. Let us pray to that end. |
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